Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Mobile Marketing Strategies for Website

Hello Everyone

In the globalization of era, mobiles or cell phones are more important than foods, water and home. In this world, everybody is aware about cell phones and how to use it.  By putting special applications for social networking sites, mobiles are getting small but very useful source for business marketing for website.

With the use of mobile, internet got reached to the every corners of the world and people get connected to each other. After done with visitors’ market research, I came across the point that 99% people prefer to us mobile to do business marketing and updating themselves.

Mobile Marketing Strategies for Website

Let’s have small picture!

  • Website’s structure should be clean and clear so that it will open on any small browser of mobile.
  • Don’t use flash or heavy images as it takes long time to load website and ultimately impact on business.
  • Use small favicon for website as it might work as website’s logo for website’s mobile visitors.
  • Add Search box on website such people don’t wait for surfing each and every page of website.
  • Build a strong bond with customers’ by uploading unique and striking information relevant to customers’ requirements.
  • Utilizing Android operating systems, website’s optimizations are possible by mobile.
  • Please do separate optimization for mobile visitors. 
  •  It’s not a big deal, just concentrate on given points and implement it on website. It would definitely drive kind of visitors’ traffic than currently getting. 

If you are newbie in Mobile marketing and get to know more about SEO advanced tips, please visit us @ Advancedseotipss.blogspot.com

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