Thursday, September 8, 2011

Internet Marketing Research Analysis - Difference between Men’s & Women’s Marketing Needs

Hello Everyone

Individual Internet Marketing research and analysis are extremely hectic and time consuming task to achieve customers’ expectations and needs. People should have proper internet marketing strategies when it comes to individual marketing research.

From the past era, businesses are getting alienated into two main pieces Men and Women. Both of these sources have their own expectations and requirements from Internet or Marketing firms. Earlier 90% businesses were running on men’s requisites as women were unaware from business marketing. By growing globalization other side of business i.e. women got matured and being stand with men.
Individual Internet Marketing Research & Analysis

After analyzing male visitors or customers’ behavior, large part of men side got attracted to following topics.
  • News updates
  • Journey and reservations making
  • Reservation of movies’ or other shows’ tickets
  • Sports such as score card, searching sports information etc
  • Online auctions, such as eBay, eBid, Yahoo Shopping
  • Business Related article and blog Writing
  • Download Music and Movies
  • Stocks, bonds and mutual funds
  • Buy and sell shares
  • Business market research and analysis
Other side of coin i.e. female audience is interested many topics. We can have huge list of women’s requirements such nobody speak about what they exactly want? Anyway I have prepared common list of women’s expectations. Take a look!
  • Health related articles and magazines
  • Weight loose and gain programs
  • Skin treatments and remedies
  • Gather cooking related information
  • Hair care programs and related articles
  • Information that talk about how  to make life simple
  • Bollywood or Hollywood gossips
  • Cheap products selling websites
  • Matrimonial searches
  •  Tips to look Beautiful
Lately, we don’t have enough time to do all this stuff, but it necessary things if you want to grab more audience towards website. There are lots of outsourcing firms which offer market research analysis services for websites.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this session; we’ll meet tomorrow with new topic. Till then take care.

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