Friday, September 30, 2011

How to Analyze Visitors' Behavior?

Hello Everyone

Visitor is the one of the important aspects in business, and it won’t be successful without visitors. Visitors’ requirements should your first priority than your staff, team and Search engines’ needs.

Remember me, you and every person in this world are visitors and always wish to get unique and sufficient information about respective search query. There are some common things occur with every visitors, which are they? Have a look!

When Visitor puts any desired search query in the search box of Search engines, two things can happen whether he will find you or your competitor.

Visitors might take 50-60 ms to decide whether a website is going to satisfy him/her or not. Once a visitor comes on your website within a fraction of second he scans the webpage in F shaped pattern.

First he reads the headings of your webpage then goes to the images which understand him or her that what kind of business, services and products you offered?

Visitor takes only 15 ms to scratch all the images, photograph and videos on your webpage as he/she has golden eyes in triangle shape.

He may read the first half of the content before landing on other web pages or website.

If he finds more attractiveness and relevancy about his searched query on competitor’s website then he will surely go over there.

It means you must be lacking some where to satisfy that respective visitor. To avoid these things having a healthy web presence in the eyes of Search engine is very effective to drive more visitors to your website.

When you gonna develop a content to attract your visitors use images on your text matter as visitors like to view the images, photographs and videos on the webpage that talk about your business.

There are 90% chances to dismiss your entire website structure (navigation menus) if visitor is not able to find first 3 option on list what they want? Kind of color combination also can help to conciliate visitors to your website/business.

As I suppose if you work on above discussed session while developing or optimizing website then surely you’ll get visitors in a bulk amount. But getting lot of visitors it doesn’t help to improve your business or make your website success. You will have to convert your visitors into customers by using conversion optimization tips.

How to Make Your Website Profitable for Business Purpose

Hello Everyone

Do you have your business? Does your business have online presences such website or blog? Does anyone interest to visit your website daily or weekly? Every business owners might be confused to answer these questions even they don’t have correct answers!

Its obvious thing that at the initial stage of any business, owners get excited about their business and pay attention to the profit only as they might want to get the rid of from material expenses and other stuff.

Most of the companies or business owners have their own website, may be they have enough clients but they are still lacking somewhere to get in touch with their visitors, clients or customers.

How to Make Your Website Profitable

Today I gonna share some useful and inexpensive things which can help to increase your web traffic or visitors.

Create a Blog - Blogs are the affordable and excellent way to reach your targeted audience and satisfy them. Update your blogs by publishing relevant information about your business inventions, news and visitors’ needs. As Search engines prefer blog sites to find profound information about respective searched query.

Compensation of Search Engines Facilities – World Wide Web has set some free, easy and useful services for website or blog marketing such Keywords, Meta Tags and Content creation. Try to use most searchable and likeable key phrases on your blogs’ or websites’ title and put related tags in Meta tags part. Add unique and informative content on website such content is king of Internet marketing.

Express Your Link Bonding for Other Website – By adding others websites’ links on your blog or website let visitors think about yourself that you are an Internet crazier and like to help other low ranking websites which get stuck in the middle of Internet marketing.

Make a Strong Bond with Social Networking Sites – Grab more visibility for your website or blog by having a new posts and updates about your business in Social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, MySpace and many more.

Revised Website Once in a While – Visitors should not get bored by seeing your website again and again. Keep changing kind of changes on your website which makes your website attractive and more interested for visitors.

I believe that above things will be going to help in your future business as Website is one of the most important employees of business who never cheated you.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Valuable SEO Link Building Tips 2011 – Get More Visitors

Hello Everyone

Day by day politics is going to destroy our world, same thing occurs in the world of Internet. Only the difference is Internet is not handled by any man power or team, it’s all based on machine format and only trusts on valid and legal link rich websites.

Link building is an imperative and vital task for Website marketing, without link back up you can’t reach targeted audience and ultimately loose your online profit. As of now everyone is well-known about how to build and enhance amount of backlinks? Along with me, Internet addicted people are looking for latest and utmost ways to enlarge the backlinks.
Valuable SEO Link Building Tips 2011
After a long period I have been searching one of the best and useful ways to boost your website ranking and visitors as well.

In the decade of 21st, Internet has given as some websites on which we can post our website or any business related issues and ask for solutions from other people.

Suppose any visitor have posted one query related to his/her website and asking for appropriate solutions.

You can give a relevant solution about asked query and post your website link for more information.

After small survey of visitors’ behavior analysis or comment feedback, 35% needed people visit given websites’ URL in solution part

Same statement can apply on blogs’ commenting and social networking sites such Facebook and Twitter.

Currently Twitter is grabbing more query rich visitors than Facebook as Twitter gets instant response about asked query or added solutions, once you followed particular fellow on Twitter.

I believe that this trick will definitely help to boost your website’s backlinks and Search engine ranking too. That’s it for the day friends, we’ll meet soon with new topic till then Take care and keep beating your competitors.

Monday, September 26, 2011

7 Easy Marketing Tips for New Business Owners

Hello Everyone

In the race of globalization, everybody is being tried to get the entry in world of Business marketing. As getting a profit by investing some money in particular business and doing your own business both are different things. Just doing business investment is a way to make a huge financial mount, getting started your own business is not just way to earn profit but also get to know more about business world, competitors, different ideas and strategies which will help to boost your business on top.

You must have an agenda of your business before started any type of business. As you are newbie in the business world, you should aware about few things such building a trust, business recognition and credibility of your business products and services.

7 Easy Marketing Tips For New Business Owners

I gonna bring some easy business marketing tips for newbie

  • Create a proper logo for business which you can use on website, business cards, letter head and brochure designed and professionally printed.
  • Do accurate business advertising by distributing pamphlets, business cards and very important internet marketing.
  • Promote your business by sending press release to all newspapers in your area declaring the opening of your new business.
  • Create a website, optimize it as per the Search engine rules and regulations. Prospective clients might want to visit your website.
  • Revisit your website and update it as per the clients’ requirements such it will help to improve your visitors and ranking as well.
  • Keep your website’s or business’s name in the eyes of Search engines and visitors by writing blogs and articles related to your business.
  • People prefer to read soft copy format information then hard copy. I would suggest you to do online website marketing then hard copy business marketing as they might not be interested to read hard copy or any paper format info.
So friends I hope above tips will help you to promote your business at initial level, we’ll meet you soon with new topic, till then take care.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Mobile Marketing Strategies for Website

Hello Everyone

In the globalization of era, mobiles or cell phones are more important than foods, water and home. In this world, everybody is aware about cell phones and how to use it.  By putting special applications for social networking sites, mobiles are getting small but very useful source for business marketing for website.

With the use of mobile, internet got reached to the every corners of the world and people get connected to each other. After done with visitors’ market research, I came across the point that 99% people prefer to us mobile to do business marketing and updating themselves.

Mobile Marketing Strategies for Website

Let’s have small picture!

  • Website’s structure should be clean and clear so that it will open on any small browser of mobile.
  • Don’t use flash or heavy images as it takes long time to load website and ultimately impact on business.
  • Use small favicon for website as it might work as website’s logo for website’s mobile visitors.
  • Add Search box on website such people don’t wait for surfing each and every page of website.
  • Build a strong bond with customers’ by uploading unique and striking information relevant to customers’ requirements.
  • Utilizing Android operating systems, website’s optimizations are possible by mobile.
  • Please do separate optimization for mobile visitors. 
  •  It’s not a big deal, just concentrate on given points and implement it on website. It would definitely drive kind of visitors’ traffic than currently getting. 

If you are newbie in Mobile marketing and get to know more about SEO advanced tips, please visit us @

Friday, September 9, 2011

Behavioral Targeting For your Website

Hello Everyone

Behavioral targeting plays key role in an online marketing as it helps to enhance efficiency and dedication of publishers or online advertisers. It’s a spoon feeding task and anyone can do it, Behavioral targeting is nothing but the collecting visitors’ information such as website they have visited, search query they have put on search box, average time of leaving particular website, their interests, requirements and many more.

For user behavioral targeting, website owners have to use relevant content and images as per the complete research analysis report of visitors’ behavioral and keep updating as per their requirements and needs.

Behavioral Targeting for your Website

I brought one small example for you. Have a look!

Suppose visitor wants to search “easy SEO tips for beginners”, such he might be newbie in internet marketing and wants to do own SEO for his website. ranks in first page of SERP as it’s well positioned and user friendly blog for users, he visits the blog for certain time and left from there.

Next minute, he searches for internet marketing strategies and again finds same blog in 1st page; he went and within a second left from there. If observe sharply, user comes up on same website or blog with different intensions and take off from website as he might not have got what he wants? If website owners consider visitors’ requirements and information they wanted to search and little work implement on it then definitely website won’t loose this type of visitors in future.

Behavioral targeting is time taking task and people don’t have time to do behavioral targeting and demographic research analysis as they might be busy in other work like handling business. By paying kind of charges to outsourcing firms which are expert to do visitors’ behavioral and demographic research analysis in less time.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this session; we’ll meet tomorrow with new topic. Till then take care.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Internet Marketing Research Analysis - Difference between Men’s & Women’s Marketing Needs

Hello Everyone

Individual Internet Marketing research and analysis are extremely hectic and time consuming task to achieve customers’ expectations and needs. People should have proper internet marketing strategies when it comes to individual marketing research.

From the past era, businesses are getting alienated into two main pieces Men and Women. Both of these sources have their own expectations and requirements from Internet or Marketing firms. Earlier 90% businesses were running on men’s requisites as women were unaware from business marketing. By growing globalization other side of business i.e. women got matured and being stand with men.
Individual Internet Marketing Research & Analysis

After analyzing male visitors or customers’ behavior, large part of men side got attracted to following topics.
  • News updates
  • Journey and reservations making
  • Reservation of movies’ or other shows’ tickets
  • Sports such as score card, searching sports information etc
  • Online auctions, such as eBay, eBid, Yahoo Shopping
  • Business Related article and blog Writing
  • Download Music and Movies
  • Stocks, bonds and mutual funds
  • Buy and sell shares
  • Business market research and analysis
Other side of coin i.e. female audience is interested many topics. We can have huge list of women’s requirements such nobody speak about what they exactly want? Anyway I have prepared common list of women’s expectations. Take a look!
  • Health related articles and magazines
  • Weight loose and gain programs
  • Skin treatments and remedies
  • Gather cooking related information
  • Hair care programs and related articles
  • Information that talk about how  to make life simple
  • Bollywood or Hollywood gossips
  • Cheap products selling websites
  • Matrimonial searches
  •  Tips to look Beautiful
Lately, we don’t have enough time to do all this stuff, but it necessary things if you want to grab more audience towards website. There are lots of outsourcing firms which offer market research analysis services for websites.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this session; we’ll meet tomorrow with new topic. Till then take care.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Facebook’s Possible Steps To Stay in Internet Marketing

Hello Everyone

Facebook is a word that has been spread within a diminutive time. It is a social networking website was launched on Feb 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg the student of computer science. Earlier website was under private usage like sharing personal info, chat and other activities with website co-founders. But now Facebook got very bad Stigma as it’s a first website on which people can see other’s lifestyles, schedules, relations, friendship bond and other stuff.

Facebook is strong and fast growing website so far however after launching Google Plus, its worth going down day by day. Facebook members are being tried to do kind of changes to make their website more attractive and user friendly than Google Plus and they are bit successful.

Facebook’s Possible Steps To Stay in Internet Marketing

I am very close to Facebook as I am also student of computer science; today I would like to share some suggestions for Facebook.

Along with 750 million + (plus) active users Facebook brings their presence to each person of this world by Computers or mobiles.

After major search engines Google, Yahoo and Bing, Facebook is very popular source to get exact information about respective fellow.

Facebook collects 99.99% of personal information of users, company profile, their products and services. As per the knowledge, data can be utilized as internal search engine instead of linking to other websites.

See, other search engine collects 80% information from Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and others. So why not these sites create their own internal search engine to provide complete information about respective search query typed by users. Don’t loose your visitors by adding others website links if information not found on website, give related results for respective search query.

So friends I hope this session will help for Facebook. We’ll meet soon with new topic, till then take care.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Most Website’s Crawl Errors

Hello Everyone

Google is a gold mine for SEO persons such it provides lot of tools for online marketing or Search engine optimization. Today we are going to discuss about Google webmaster tool which is one of the most important tools for SEO after Google Analytics.

In Google webmaster tools, section crawl errors shows crawler errors of respective indexed website. People mostly ignore this section as they might feel it’s not helpful for websites’ ranking. Crawling is a one of initial steps of SEO activities from Search engines’ area and tool webmaster shows kind of crawl errors due to that website is not able to crawl well and ultimately it impacts search engines’ presence on websites.

I would like to share some crawling errors and solutions that people most find on website. Just take a look!
Most Website’s Crawl Errors

  • Error with HTTP status codes - shows Googlebot info about website and requested pages.  Below are common error codes which people get.

            200 - Shows acknowledgement of successful returned pages
            404 - Tells requested pages avaiablity on server
            503 – Tell whole websites’ server is provisionally out of stock

  • Unfollowed URLs’ Errors – Indicates URL related issues while crawl website by Search engine
            Using text browser for website’s test
            The traps of dynamic pages in website 
            Missing use of 301 permanent redirection from old URL to New one
  • URLs restriction by robots.txt - Happens due to prohibition of robots.txt for Googlebot.

  • URL unreachable errors - Happens due to down or busy server or encountered with DNS.
301 Permanent redirection and robots.txt file plays vital role in solving crawl errors of Google webmaster tools.

I hope you like this session; will meet tomorrow with new topic.