Saturday, August 20, 2011

SEO for E Commerce Business

Hello Everyone

Having an E Commerce Website is not a big deal but optimizing that website is hectic and time consuming task. Reason behind is E commerce website has thousands of pages including categories, products, catalog pages and others. People are going with E Business for Gaining online sales and profit as well. It’s very simple, devoid of place task which makes money online.

E Commerce SEO Business

Most of people target each and every product phrase as keyword for E Commerce website and mess up with SEO activities. Doing SEO for regular cum Simple website and E Commerce website both are different things and have their own tricks and strategies. Today I come up with few tips for E Commerce website owners who wanted to do own SEO for their website.

As an SEO expert people should know few things while optimizing E Commerce website.

  • Initially target Homepage of website such its main landing page of website and visitors land on your home page first.
  • Make Homepage clean, attractive, well optimized, and goal driven for website’s revenue.
  • Next step, Category pages are secondary landing pages of website. Optimized them with proper guidance of SEO experts and make it live for customers.
  • Catalogs and Cart comes in picture. Ensure that whatever transactions will be done on website that is safe and secure.
  • You can add Popular Search terms section on website such it ensures visitors that they land on very popular and  trustworthy online service provider where lot of people do shopping.
  • Make available customer care services 24 ×7 with instant response.

Perhaps everyone aware about these strategies but has not implemented yet. I with people will start applying above strategies to make their website well optimized, visitor rich and full of sales.

That’s it for today friends. I hope you have enjoyed this session. Will meet soon with new topic till then take care. 

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