Saturday, November 26, 2011

Pre Business Marketing Analysis for Customers - Make Your God Happy!

Hello Everyone

Pre Business analysis is extreme curious and de motivated task for business marketing, as people can easily conjecture upcoming profit of business but rare think about how to grab it. It’s an obvious thing that everyone hunting for profit in terms of money but they should know the proper way to make more money by respective business.
Pre Business Marketing Analysis
Speculating a business marketing plan is needed thing of every business at initial level. People might be hiring professionals or highly experienced persons to evaluate accurate business marketing and analysis structure of respective business. Professionals do the same thing which easily avoided by us, target market audience is key factor in pre analysis. Business owners must know the requirements of their upcoming customers and how to make them satisfy by your services and products.

I have created one small demo for those who are newbie in business marketing and really want to do something different.
At initially you can go with following things for making business marketing analysis chart

·         Age of your customers? 
·         Customers’ Gender? 
·         Where does your major customer part leave? 
·         Kind of financial structure 
·         What kind of family structure they have? 
·         Lifestyle of customers 
·         Hobbies of customers 
·         Ways of customers’ motivations 
·         How they spend their mean time? 
·         Customers’ Birthdays and wedding anniversaries
Customer is God

Once you done with initial part, don’t stop here, keep in touch with customers by asking reviews and advises about your products and services. It’s very good way to know drawbacks and disadvantages of your business, products and services as well. 

Customer is God and we have to make him happy, these are easiest internet marketing strategies to make our God happy and force him to keep blessing on you by visiting your website or store alternately.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Forum Posting & Commenting - Reach Your Audience

Hello Everyone,

Forum posting and commenting is an online discussion technique to build up strong conversations between people in the form of posted questions and respective answers. Forums’ sites are aimed to drive more web traffic to your website. It brings referral traffic to your website which might give only one time visitors. 

For getting potential visitors, your website should be attractive, Search engine friendly and clearly talk about exact business and services. Here on page optimization part comes in picture, forums or any off page activities will give you visits for website, but keep holding visitors on your website, it rely on On-page activities whatever have implemented on website.

Forums Posting & Commenting

There are some techniques or strategies for forums posting to reach your audience, 
  • Make your strong profile on forums site, it will be helpful to bring trust on your visitors on you and ultimately on website too.
  • Don’t go for direct selling through your posting or comments, it created bad impression on your profile and could be banned you.

  • If you are a newbie in forums posting, avoid putting hyperlink on your comment until you get good response from others.

  • At initial, start adding valid comment on respective forums which really talks about something new related your business.

  • Around 25-30 comments you can start adding hyperlink on your comment but make sure, you have proper solution of asked questions and able to solve relevant issues.

If your comment or post is informative and valid, you would definitely get sufficient visits for website and with the help of on page or conversion activities convert them into customers accordingly.

That’s it for the day friends, we’ll meet you soon with new topic till then take care!